Goals and non-goals
Whenever one seeks to design a protocol it is important to set out what the goals and non-goals of the protocol are; this is especially the case when one is designing within tight constraints. For security protocols this includes not just modelling the threats one aims to protect against but also explicitly stating the types of threat one is {\em not} aiming to protect against, so that there is no doubt among users as to what protection they can expect.
Goals of PSSST
Stateless server-side implementation:
In order to allow completely stateless load distribution, a key design goal of PSSST is that servers responding to single datagram requests should not be required to maintain any state about the requesting client when it is not processing that request and preparing a reply, other than optionally having access to an identity database if client authentication is required.
Light weight:
Low communication overhead is generally desirable in any protocol and especially so for frequent, small communications. PSSST is expected to be used for small communication, so a large overhead can lead to very large message expansion. Low communication overhead is also particularly important when, due to the stateless nature of the server, any protocol overhead can not be amortised over longer sessions.
No extra packets:
As a corollary to the need to be light weight when handling large numbers of small messages that can fit in one packet, coupled with the stateless nature of the protocol requiring any handshake to be re-run for each transaction, a need for any extra packets to be sent by the client would at least double the number of packets to be processed. Of course any protocol that did require more than one packet to be sent would, of necessity, violate the goal of being stateless, but we call this out explicitly due to the fact that this would be a goal even without the requirement to be stateless. We also explicitly support the case in which a client does not expect a reply to every request.
Confidentiality and integrity against active MITM attack:
Request packets from a client to a server and replies from the server to the client must not be readable by an active adversary, nor should they be malleable by an active adversary without detection.
Replay resistance at the client:
When a client receives a reply to a pending request, it must be able to detect if the reply was to a different request, even if the received reply was a correctly formed and authenticated reply to a different request from the same server that is being replayed.
Support for optional client authentication
Requests from clients may either include cryptographic authentication of the identity of the requesting client or may be anonymous.
Request are unlinkable:
An attacker viewing request and reply packets must not be able to identify the client in the transaction and must also not be able to determine if two transactions were instigated by the same party or not, irrespective of if client authentication was used. Note that this goal is limited to the PSSST protocol itself and not to the network transport of the packets, which may be subject to other sorts of traffic analysis.
No replay resistance at the server:
Servers are not expected to be able to detect if a request from a client is a reply of a previous request. There are two reasons that this is a non-goal. Firstly, server-side replay detection, of necessity, requires servers to maintain at least some knowledge of the past (and thus state). Furthermore, single-packet datagram requests are likely to be sent over UDP, which is an inherently unreliable protocol. In the event that a client sends a request but does not receive a reply it is useful for the client to simply send the same packet again. That way, as long as the transaction processing is idempotent it will not matter if the packet loss was with the request packet or the reply.
No Perfect Forward Secrecy:
While Perfect Forward Secrecy is a highly desirable characteristic of a secure communication protocol, it is unfortunately incompatible with being truly stateless. This is perhaps ironic, or even unexpected, given that the server is required to dispose of all state about a transaction once it is complete but we show in the security analysis section that it must be so for information theoretic reasons. We can (and do) however deliver imperfect forward secrecy, in the sense that while a compromise of the server keys can allow past communications to be decrypted, a compromise of a client’s keys does not allow past or future communications from the same client to be decrypted. For many remote sensor or IoT applications this asymmetric security may be sufficient, since IoT devices in remote and possibly hostile locations are probably more likely to be compromised than well-run cloud servers.
No certificate distribution
The final non-goal of PSSST is support for the distribution of client or server public keys, or their certificates, as part of the protocol. Certificates are large and change fairly slowly; PSSST is designed from small but frequent communications. The client is expected to have a current and authentic copy of the server’s public key before it begins a transaction and if client authentication is being used the server is expected to already know each client’s public key. In practice keys do get periodically changed and occasionally revoked, so clients and servers are expected to use some other channel to ensure to ensure that they are using up-to-date keys. We propose that clients might infrequently check in with the server using a much heavier-weight protocol such as TLS to exchange current key information.